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Patient Safety

Sterilization Steps

At tooth care dental clinic, we strictly follow the sterilization protocols to ensure 100% safety of the patients.The steps which are followed for cleaning of instruments..

  • steps
    We dip the instruments in soap water for 1 hour and then wash them with water.
  • steps
    Instruments are dipped in disinfectant for 30 minutes.
  • steps
    Step 3
    Ultrasonic cleaner is used for the instruments so that surfaces of instruments which is rinsed by step 1 and step 2 gets cleaned.
  • steps
    Step 4
    Sterilization is done in B class autoclave for 100 % sterilization.

Safety norms for patients at tooth care dental clinic

Patient’s safety is our top most priority. To fulfil that all the patients are requested to follow few guidelines.

  • At Tooth care dental clinic, we have assigned a separate team for screening of all the patients before entering the operating room.
  • Patients are requested to book an appointment by calling the clinic instead of directly coming.
  • As soon as the patient reached the clinic, he or she is advised to call on landline no 01724637878 just to avoid crowding in waiting area.
  • Only one person who has taken the appointment is allowed. For kids, elderly and expecting mothers, one guardian is allowed.
  • For each patient, it is mandatory to sanitize their hands by using foot pedal hand sanitizer which is kept at the entry of clinic.
  • It is mandatory to wear a mask and patient is allowed to remove it only during the treatment
  • We have a separate chamber for screening of the patients.
  • During Screening, we are recording past travel history , medical history and any history of quarantine if present.
  • We are taking IDA prescribed covid 19 consent form signed by patient. We are using PPE and Fumigation is done to clean the clinic environment.
  • Time gap is given between two appointments so that we get enough time to clean the clinic .
  • Proper bio medical waste disposal is done.
  • We are trying to use maximum disposable stuffs and proper sterilization of instruments is done to ensure 100% safety of the patients.
  • Patients are requested not to touch any surface in clinic premises.
  • We prefer cashless payments just to avoid contacts.

Safety Equipment

  • Equipment Latest Ultrasonic Cleaner
    We use latest ultrasonic cleaner for cleaning of instrument so all the micro material get removed from the surface .
  • Equipment Advance Portable X-Ray
    Most advance portable X-Ray used for minimal exposure to the staff and patient.
  • Equipment Latest B Class Autoclave
    Latest B CLASS AUTOCLAVE used in Tooth care for 100 percent bacteria virus spores to be killed.
  • Equipment Advance Fumigator
    World most advance fumigator which kills 99.9 percent bacteria.

Your Best Smile Starts With Quality Expertise

Where Dentistry Meets Artistry. We create the most beautiful smiles and we keep those smiles beautiful.

The Clinic That Guarantees High-Quality Dental Work in a comfortable manner.

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Tooth Care Dental Clinic