Now a days there is a dental clinic in almost every corner of you area. But main question arises is how to choose the best dentist for you. Everyone advertise their clinics with lots of fascinating offers. Today in this blog we will talk about all your queries. Which dentist suits for your dental problem.
First of all let me start off with a brief introduction of dentistry. It is a branch of medical science which mainly deals with your oral cavity and structures related to mouth. BDS is bachelor of dental surgery which is a 5 year course and after that MDS which is Masters in Dental Surgery. BDS is all about general dentistry while in MDS they learn about their specialization
MDS is done in different different branches. Mainly divided in 6 branches.
1. Endodontist
Dentist who is masters in this branch mainly deals with RCT (Root canal Treatment) and esthetic dentistry.Hence if you need some aesthetic work like teeth whitening, veeners and root canal to be done, you can consult them.
2. Prosthodontist
This dentist mainly deals with replacement of teeth such as implants, bridges, crowns, dentures etc. Hence if you need any replacement of teeth, you should consult a MDS prosthodontist.
3. Oral Surgeon
They mainly deals with major surgeries like trauma cases, birth defects like cleft lip or palate, wisdom tooth extraction and all.
Maximum population suffer with wisdom tooth problem at least once in their life time, for that you should consult an oral surgeon.
4. Orthodontist
These specialized dentist mainly deals with correction of zig zag and mis aligned teeth. These procedures are mainly performed during younger age. But now a days adult orthodontics is also possible in certain circumstances.
Hence if you or your kid needs a braces treatment then you should consult an orthodontist.
5. Periodontist
These dentists mainly deals with gum problems.
Hence if you have any problem like pyorrhoea then you can consult with them.
6. Pedodontist
These dentist are also known as child dentist. They mainly work on kids and they got specialized training in handling kids. They learn how to do behavior management of children so that dental procedures can be performed.
Also they can handle special kids like kids with Autism , Down Syndrome.
Other non clinical branches are also there like oral medicine and radiology, preventive community dentistry, Pathology.
Things to be taken care:
Your dentist should be an expert in his or her specialization. For that you can ask your friends and family.
Availability of your dentist should always be there whenever you need them
Waiting time should be minimal.
Your dentist should be soft and well behaved in talking and treating you as oral structures are very delicate.
Do not wait for any emergency to happen. Just go for regular check ups so that your problems get resolved earlier.
Always try to find a dentist near your locality and make sure he or she should be available according to your working hours.
If your dentist is going somewhere out of town, he should arrange someone who can look after in their absence.
If you are moving in a new city then ask your previous dentist for some recommendations.
Your dentist should be compatible with your mode of payment like card payment and he or she should provide you bills of your treatment.
At Tooth Care Dental Clinic, We provide you the best dentist according to our patient’s needs. We always make sure that your treatment should be done only by a specialist dentist. We give a lot of treatment plans and their alternatives also according to patient’s budget. Also we always appreciate doubts and queries of our patient and make sure they should be satisfied in the end of treatment.
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