Most of the modern foods that we consume these days are processed food. Dietary habits have changed completely now a days. Even after maintenance of good oral hygiene and regular brushing of teeth, still some food particles get deposited on the surface of teeth and sticks to it which can not be removed with brushing. This accumulated food or debris is called as tartar which is a irritant to the gums.
Therefore this tartar should be removed periodically so that teeth and gums remains strong and healthy. In addition to brushing and general home care, one should undergo scaling process. Initial deposits are in the form of plaque which is comparatively soft and it mainly lead to decay of teeth.
With passage of time these deposits get hardened which is known as calculus or tartar. Removal of tartar is called as scaling which should be followed by polishing.
This is the minimum maintenance one should do at least once a year. Ideally it is recommended once in 6 months but at least we should visit dentist once in 8 to 12 months. Being a dentist we also get scaling. The process of scaling with the correct technique will further makes gum and teeth stronger.
Scaling can be done either manually or it can be done with Ultrasonically using good quality scaler tips. At TOOTH CARE DENTAL CLINIC, we always use ultrasonic scalers with high quality scaling tips for our patient. So that the enamel of tooth (protective layer) does not get damaged and teeth remain strong and non sensitive for longer time. Ultrasonic scaler works on principle of vibrations and it is completely non cutting instruments. Hence there are no chances of enamel to get damaged.
At tip of scaler a small vent is there so that water can come while doing scaling. A few people feel discomfort with this water but it is very important as heat generated during vibration of scaling tip, get dissipated. nd chances of sensitivity becomes very less.
We always advise our patients that they should undergo polishing after scaling as polishing lead to smoothening of tooth surface. There is always less deposits on a smooth surface as compared to rough surface. Hence deposits will be less after polishing.
One more benefit of polishing is that it lead to one or two shades whitening of teeth. Polishing is done by using a polishing paste. A layer of paste is applied and after that high speed brushes are used.
Consequences of avoiding Scaling
A few people feel sensitivity after scaling but chances are very less if this process is done by high good technique and good quality of instruments. Still if patient feels any sensation then it is just for few days after scaling which can be eliminated by using de sensitizing tooth paste. But each and every person should get scaling at least once a year. You should always search for a well qualified dentist, you should not go to quack dentist.
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